Commonwealth Mint are involved in the purchase of goods and services to support the delivery of our business activities. We aim to be responsible for delivering value to our clients, whilst observing purchasing practices in line with our corporate social responsibilities. The purpose of this policy is to set out the Company’s duties and responsibilities in upholding ethical practices throughout our supply chain and / or where our business has control or influence. We will disseminate this policy to our supply chain, employees to ensure its effective implementation.
The company shall operate in a way that safeguards against unfair business practices and ensure integrity in all our business transactions. We will be open, honest & fair in our communications with our interested parties affected by our activities, and where necessary that of our supply chain.
Commonwealth Mint will conduct business in an ethical, legal and socially responsible manner. This commitment extends to the suppliers and other associated external resource with whom we chose to do business. We will purchase goods and services to the highest standards of ethical and environmental trade practices to include the provision of safe working conditions and the protection of workers across our supply chain.
The company recognises the need to protect the natural environment. Keeping our environment clean and unpolluted is a benefit to all. We’ll always follow best practices when disposing of waste and using chemical substances.
When carrying out our business, we will determine the environmental, social and economic issues. In addition, where practicable we will consider the environmental performance and impact of goods and services when making purchasing decisions.
Were committed to:
We expect our suppliers and subcontractors to share our commitment to Health & Safety by implementing robust policies and procedures that put the Health & Safety of employees and others who could be affected by their activities at the heart of their operations.
In order to ensure adherence by our employees and supply chain to our ethical sourcing policy the following arrangements will be in place:
As Directors, it is our responsibility to ensure that all aspects of the Company’s policies are communicated, understood and implemented at all levels in the organisation. It is periodically reviewed for its continued suitability and effectiveness by the senior management.